Randomness means different things in various fields. Commonly, it means lack of pattern or predictability in events
My title says it all, I like taking random photos like this one I took at the beach. These birds are fearless, always trying to come up and grab peoples snacks. 
Here is a random action packed photo I took of my kids, and George.. That curious little monkey always want to tag along!

And here is a rare, plus random snap shot of my kids hugging it out, I’m so grateful god blessed me with two. There’s never a dull moment.

I live in beach community and agriculture area. we have lots of strawberry fields, It’s great to have an ocean breeze when the strawberries have sprouted. But prior to that it reeks of manure. Eww!! At least there is a pay off, and my family enjoys when I make these

One more bit of Randomness, I had to draw a picture free hand for an art appreciation class. A mural under the tortilla flats bridge in Ventura Ca. caught my eye so I gave it a try. Now, in no way am I saying it’s good, but lol I tried. And I am proud of it cause I had a lot of fun drawing it.

One more random pic, opps I said that on the last one huh? I'm getting carried away here, but this will be the last. Most people who know me are shocked to find out that I am a huge UFC fan. I know it can be bloody and too much for many to handle, but hear me out on this.. It’s a well thought out sport. See these well rounded, finely tuned athletes are trained in many areas of boxing, wresting, sparring and jiu jitsu. There is a lot of thought when they are fighting and it never gets boring. Boxing is way too slow for me, I’m an action packed kind of gal. So here I am with Scott Jorgensen at the Las Vegas UFC Expo last year.

There you have it folks, randomness that makes me smile. I try to live in the moment, and since I have many hobbies and many things that make me happy, I thought I’d share some of that with you. Till next time ~ Angela